Most frequent questions and answers


We track every video to completion. Once you complete the video (it must finish and stop by itself), then a MARK COMPLETE button will be available to click. Once you click this button the current lesson will be fully completed (you will know this to be the case because the button’s text will change to MARK INCOMPLETE).

If you completed all the lessons successfully in a program, then your certificate will automatically be issued.

Chances are that the video for the lesson has not fully completed playing.

Make sure you let it play to the end and stop by itself.

Go to:

My Account

Scroll to Your Courses section:

Click the program name you want to access.

Only a few programs are shown, use the scroll button at the bottom of the section to scroll through more pages and to see all your programs.

You can also click the All Programs link in the top menu to view all programs on the platform. There will be an ENROLLED ribbon on the programs you have access to.

Go to:

My Account

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

You can also click the My Certificates icon in the dashboard.

If you cannot find the certificate you are looking for, check the progress of the specific program and if you completed all the lessons successfully.

Go to My Account

Click on the My Details icon in the Your Account Dashboard.

Edit your details and click save.

Note that even though the text seems greyed out, they can still be edited (except your username).